Party: OCTOPUSSY: THE PRICE IS RIGHT (We've a full trolley, like full to the brim. With a load of class stuff - and you can have it)

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OCTOPUSSY: THE PRICE IS RIGHT (We've a full trolley, like full to the brim. With a load of class stuff - and you can have it)

Club: Carbon Nightclub Galway

Geht: 596
Datum: 09.03.2015 23:00
Adresse: 19-21 Eglinton Street, Galway, Ireland | Auf der Karte anzeigen »

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Party: OCTOPUSSY: THE PRICE IS RIGHT (We've a full trolley, like full to the brim. With a load of class stuff - and you can have it)

It's been a while since we threw up an octopussy event but like every event we try to ram down your throat there something in it for yourself.

This week we are going loading a trolley full of shopping, to the brim, stuff falling out over the edges and everything. We'll be putting the picture of the trolley up tomorrow afternoon and all you have to do to win what ever we threw in the trolley is guess how much the whole thing came to. Simple.

If the whole getting the price right thing isn't for you then just click attending and tag a friend and we'll be giving out other goodies that way.

Entertainment on the night provided by:
Graham Doherty (big room)
NUIG DJ SOC (kesselraum)

€3 drinks menu all night long
€10 4x refresher bombs

€2 stamp
€4 without

Eingeladen: Elliot Serrinha, Jasmine Shaw, Darragh Mc Keon, Mags Ní Struitseach, Leanne Coyne, Lisa Egan, Danielle Larkin, Kathryn Merrigan, Adel Hickey, Mattie Kinch, Sharon Burke, Claire Ryan, Siobhan Mc Cracken, Gareth Lynskey, Eithne Nic Aodha Bhuí, Kieran Durcan, Alison Chambers, Blaithin O'Driscoll, Brian McDonnell, Cathy Anne Ó HOisín, Patrick O'Connell mehr »