Party: Global Convention presents Moritz Guhling+ECHELON AFTERSHOW

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Party: Global Convention presents Moritz Guhling+ECHELON AFTERSHOW

Global Convention presents
Moritz Guhling+Echelon Aftershow

Mit Festivalband vom Echelon 5€ Eintritt, sonst 10€

Busweise werdet ihr anreisen, vom größten elektronischen Festival Bayerns dem ECHELON. Und wo sollte auch sonst die begehrte Aftershowparty sein, als im Bullitt Club, dem zuhause der tanzenden Generation of Love :)

mit dabei:
Moritz Guhling

As the son of a former DJ and passionate record collector his career in the
music industry was set from an early age. And it was only a matter of time
before Moritz would fall in love with electronic music and the old
equipment of his father.

After enjoying pumping beats more and more besides school, Moritz took an
interest in producing his very own music. Influenced by the early years and
artists like Extrawelt, Kollektiv Turmstrasse or Format B, he went about
exploring and experimenting with sounds in order to learn by experience.
Nowadays his sets can be described as underground oriented, unconstrained
by boundaries. The genre reaches from deep house to tougher tech house.

Moritz music is ultimately about moving bodies, all the while giving way to
an unprecedented degree of dynamism on dance floors, hopefully around the

Eingeladen: Christin Rippel, Paul Mosley, Michael Young, Mark Ritter, To Be, Thomas Moschner, Nikolai Falk, Kobi Nachmani, Sabrina-Nathalie Guignard, Patricia Schaaf, Patrick Schütz, Eva Korcian, Jil Salzberg, Philipp Nadler, Norman Wendler, Sophia Reimer, Louise Møller Pedersen, Alberto Ascarrunz Wollgast, Melanie Manson, Franzi Johns, Kevin Xiad mehr »