Party: Figs in Wigs present HI-BROW

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Party: Figs in Wigs present HI-BROW

HI-BROW (a carefully cultivated soirée of excellence for those with the most distinguished of tastes) returns to BGWMC on November 21st for the

This is your chance to bid a proper farewell to the fall we all fell in love with. So warm your cockles on the dance floor and flex your mussels at the bar (heavy drinks). Clam on you know you want to.

It’s a dance party like no other dance party. We will be playing all your favourite solitary group dance tunes throughout the night.

Come early for the masterclass and learn to line-dance better than a lasso. (Participation essential but not required)

DRESS TO IMPRESS A MAGPIE - Shiny. Shiny. Shiny.

Performances from:
Richard DeDomenici
Figs in Wigs (obvs)
and you lot!

DJ set from Safari PHIL! Philip Wykes

This is Monovember
Already participating in Movember? Excellent. Double points for you.*
Don’t have either? Then get yourself sorted out at the brand spanking NEW

Get snapped and papped in the Fancy Photo Booth

*Points can be exchanged for kudos at the kudos booth**
**There is no kudos booth.

Eingeladen: Katie Punky Killebrew, Farai Doon, Fed Thingumajig, Eric Basson, Ryan M. McKelvey, Greg Josselyn, Ema JW, Mark James Maughan, Sian Vivien Ann Myers, John Hunter, Dannii Baillie, Claudia Palazzo, Aaron Wright, Zeine Daoudi, Lucy Adams, Jo Walker, Jake Orr, Rachel Thorman, Ais De Ath, Vincent M. Gaine, Kathryn Bond mehr »