Party: Pigfoot - Bright Side of Life Festival Club

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Party: Pigfoot - Bright Side of Life Festival Club

Don't wait until someone tells you it was amazing.

The spirit of Bessie Smith and antique jazz is alive and kicking as Pigfoot make their first appearance in Sligo and Ireland at the
inaugural Bright Side of Life comedy festival presented by Spike Sligo, appearing at 5th on Teeling on Friday 10 April.
Part of a pulsating wave of new jazz outfits intent on tackling trad in all its forms Pigfoot subvert the form, and the norm, in their own ingenious way
while respecting the quirks and mores and, above all, the joy of the 1920s style.
Bringing their own customised version of 21st century acid trad (conveniently the title of their debut album) to Sligo and Ireland for the first time, a
concept zany enough, you would imagine, to satisfy former trad trumpeter Spike Milligan himself, the four piece of trumpeter/cornetist Chris
Batchelor, pianist Liam Noble, tubaist extraordinaire Oren Marshall from the MOBO-winning Sons of Kemet, and drummer Paul Clarvis got
together in 2013 to record their debut album live at London’s redoubt of the avant grade, the Vortex in Dalston. You’ll never hear anyone else play
‘Basin Street Blues,’ ‘12th Street Rag,’ ‘Jitterbug Waltz,’ or ‘Tennessee Waltz’, quite like Pigfoot do them.
A trad band to make traditionalists blink and think again while at the same time challenging modernists to reassess just what their hang-ups about the
music actually were in the first place.
Pigfoot’s appearance is part of the Bright Side of Life, Spike Sligo’s debut comedy festival, which runs from 8-12 April and includes the headlining
appearance of Richard Herring. The Spike Sligo jazz festival club, presented in association with the Sligo Jazz Project who celebrate their tenth
anniversary this year, runs over three nights at 5th on Teeling. Acts appearing include, in addition to Pigfoot, the David Lyttle band launching new
album Faces and who perform on 11 April, while the Brian Priestley quartet featuring the Dublin City Jazz Orchestra’s Ciaran Wilde and David
Lyttle perform on 12 April.
For more details go to:

Eingeladen: Michael Caheny, Denise Rushe, Cormac Carroll, Eddie Lee, Adam Cullen, Jack Cawley, David Fahey, Laurborg Hunt, Ciara Mc Cormac, Dale Barber, Daniel Mc Garrigle, Ita Callagy, Leonie Carty, Daniel Chester, Lisa Cannon, Marc Gallagher, Chelsea O'Connor, Donal Gunne, Christopher Alexander Bent, Peter Crann, Helen Sharp mehr »
