Party: Freshers Festival at FourFour - Comment For Now for Guestlist

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Freshers Festival at FourFour - Comment For Now for Guestlist

Club: 44ClubGalway

Geht: 2
Datum: 28.08.2017 23:00
Adresse: 36 Abbeygate Street, Galway, Ireland | Auf der Karte anzeigen »

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Party: Freshers Festival at FourFour - Comment For Now for Guestlist

FourFour & When The Sun Goes Down Presents:
The Fresher Festival (Monday 28th of August)

With a summer of outrageous acts playing across Ireland we're in the mood for a festival night, and on top of that we're going to send someone to Electric Picnic!

Festival attire is encouraged, so get involved, get the shorts, dodgy shirts and sunglasses out!

For your chance to win a ticket for Electric Picnic and Guestlist on the night comment:
"Four Four fresher festival... Gonna need wellies! (And tag two friends)"

Winner announced on the night from the comments and has to be present!
Expect to hear all the big acts of the summer and you could be on the way to EP to hear them live.

*The winner must be able to travel on the day and present in the venue
** Download the UNIPHI NIGHTS App and get your Guest list ticket
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Four Music / Four Students / Four You / Four Four