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A wonderful night where Turkish music meets Jazz. Ismail Fencioglu will join us with his oud and we will cover a great repertoire including songs from Sezen Aksu, Fikret Kizilok, Humeyra, Asik Veysel and many more...

11 MARCH 2015
8pm: $10; 9.15pm: $10; 10.30pm: Free

Fuat Tuaç is the host of the Concordia Jam Sessions on Wednesdays at Upstairs since last year. Fuat is currently studying Jazz at Concordia taking classes with Madéleine Thériault, Michael Pinsonneault and Charles Ellison.

Fuat previously performed at the Jazz Festivals of Istanbul, Turkey; Loire, France and Pulawy, Poland. Fuat is also one of the two lead vocalists of the Concordia Big Band directed by Dave Turner.

He and his band will be performing well-known jazz standards as well as their own compositions and the band will be joined by special guests for the evening.

Fuat Tuaç: Voice
Ismail Fencioglu: Oud
John Sadowy: Piano
Mike de Masi: Double Bass
Mathew Higden:drums

11 MARS 2015
20h : 10$; 21h15 : 10$; 22h30 : Gratuit

Fuat Tuaç est l'hôte des Jam Sessions Concordia les mercredis au Upstairs depuis l'année dernière. Fuat est un étudiant de l'Université Concordia en Jazz Studies. Il prend des cours avec Madeleine Thériault, Michael Pinsonneault et Charles Ellison.

Fuat a déjà participé aux festivals de Jazz d'Istanbul, en Turquie; Loire en France et Pulawy en Pologne. Fuat est aussi un de deux chanteurs principaux de Concordia Big Band dirigé par Dave Turner.

Lui et son groupe vont jouer des standards de jazz bien connus ainsi que quelques compositions et le groupe sera rejoint par des invités spéciaux de la soirée.

Fuat Tuaç: Voix
John Sadowy: Piano
Mike de Masi: Contrebasse
Mathew Higden: Batterie

Eingeladen: Alex Dergachev, Alanya Atatekin, Emily Gray, Yuka Tadano, Mike Bjella, Annie Robert, Piper Ainsworth, Shira Amar, Jonathan Weinstein, Naema Boisson, Kristy Wilson, Thai Bach, Yves Goguen, Anna Belanger, Sadia Baloch, Magella Jacqueline, Su Leyman, Jay Sherwood, Stuart Bell, Ben Brimacombe, Trevor Barrette mehr »