Party: 16.06

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Club: Studio

Geht: 251
Datum: 16.06.2012 23:45
Adresse: Sauna 1, Tallinn, Estonia | Auf der Karte anzeigen »

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Sõprade klubi 23:00 @ Vabank Klubi

Party: 16.06

16.06.2012 @ STUDIO

Üks enam kõlapinda leidnud uustulnuk Eesti elektroonilise muusika skenes on otsustanud läbi studio Funktion1 kõlarite oma uut albumit maailmale tutvustada ning mis meil selle vastu saaks olla! 1DERL&-di hüpnotiseerivatele tech-housei helidele üleval korrusel sekundeerimas veel Janno Kekkonen ja Rhythm Dr!

Alumise korruse vallutavad uuemate ja vanemate errjabee soundidega Dj-d MK(R2) ja Nova (Studio).


album "Reflection" release party

RHYTHM DOCTOR (Mutant Disco, UK)


R'n'B selection by:


pilet FB attend enne 01:00 5 EURO / pärast 10 EURO


Album review on 24.05.2012 (thank you Edvardas Vaišvila /Inside-Out for translation)

1DERL&'s debut made of reflections

The debut album Reflection from the Estonian leader of the bass scene
Margus Löve is a collection of reflections of his own wonderland (the
meaning of the moniker 1DERL&).

Although Margus, also known as L-OW and Lizon, is mostly connected to the bass scene, he also leans towards dubstep and drum and bass. From 2005, influenced by his idols Marco Carola and Adam Beyer, the activist of Tallinn's parties stuck to the more even 4/4 beat mix and began circling his attack fighter around the techno scene. This gave him an impulse for a unique and new project - 1DERL&, and this week, the debut album Reflection emerged from Margus Löve's private studio

Margus avoids listening to heaps of new music in order to prevent creative limits. He believes that this allows him to experiment more and find his own unique path. I can't say that I found new gold veins in his debut album, but the collage of sounds is pretty original. The motifs remind of Basic Channel, Deadbeat, Alex Smoke or Fluxion, but
in a different (although hardly wonder-) world. Reflection consists of 10 tracks with a mood of dancing shadows surrounded by mystery. Strong bass lines - which the author heavily relies on - give freshness and tranquility, while eclectic percussions provide light hypnotic rhythms. Despite several beaten and unnecessarily lengthy tracks, the
album has its keynote, and the pieces are clearly interconnected. The rhythmic of the album is alternating and not stressing, but it's not a bedroom palette either.

In general, it is a proper bass techno automobile to accompany the nights and mornings of the coming summer with comfortable darkness.