Party: The Resurrection of Marilyn Monroe [Halloween Edition]

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Party: The Resurrection of Marilyn Monroe [Halloween Edition]

On Friday October 31st we celebrate the aftermath of Halloween and what better way than to resurrect the legendary model & Actress ..Marilyn Monroe

Featuring a Marilyn Impersonator Performing LIVE!!

Staff in Costumes

Halloween Decor.

Prize Contests & Giveaways!

Hosted by Cousin Vinny from the beat of montreal 92.5


For more info/Reservations

Eingeladen: Megan Ness, Marcy Michelle, Brandon Abraham, Jessica Mantha, Sev Kool, Vito Franco, Sabrina Leinen, Jamie Lee Carlino, Matthew Guttman, Sarit Mariana Cohen, Stephanie Mungiovi, Maxime Leblanc, Samantha Grana, Amanda Vincelli, Sam Mariani, Ryan Turner, Deirdra Kennedy, Mike Kalogritsas, Alissa Ess, Kelly Hodgson, Melinda Da Silva mehr »