Party: I'll Be Home For Christmas - Colin Savage

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Party: I'll Be Home For Christmas - Colin Savage

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An early evening Christmas spectacular

Featuring Luisa Guerreiro and Daniel Hall, Musical Director Richard Bates, and other special guests

4.30pm for Mulled Wine and Mince Pies with Mr Santa Claus and his Elves

Tickets £10 (£7 conc)

Eingeladen: Rosalyn Mitchell, Christina Smith, Sanyu Kawooya, Jill Rensing, Ollie Fielding, Amanda Holland, Alex Drofiak, Barra Collins, David Cromer, Gethin Evans, Michelle Yim, Lanoi Montet, Steve Wickenden, Alicia Ambrose-Bayly, Aleksandra Broom, Alannah Jones, Rachael Cunliffe, Victoria Jane Appleton, Yvette Casallas, Tendo Kawooya, Grace Nyandoro mehr »