Party: ‘O’nesies, ‘O’reos, ‘O’scars

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‘O’nesies, ‘O’reos, ‘O’scars

Club: AlphaBEATs

Geht: 162
Datum: 03.12.2014 22:00
Adresse: St Georges Place, New Dover Road, Canterbury, United Kingdom | Auf der Karte anzeigen »

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Party: ‘O’nesies, ‘O’reos, ‘O’scars

Wednesday 3rd December 2014
‘O’nesies, ‘O’reos, ‘O’scars @ alphaBEATs Canterbury


Welcome to alphaBEATs! A different theme based on a different letter every week! This week is the letter O featuring…

We want you all to come dressed in your finest onesies! Don’t worry if yours is in the wash though because we’ll be giving some out as prizes!

We’re bringing LOADS of everyone’s favourite cookies to munch on all night. Shots of milk anyone?!

We’ll be holding our very own alphaBEATs Oscars ceremony and giving YOU the chance to win.

Jung bombs £1.50
Spirits from £1.50
Shots from £1.50
Bottles from £2


It's just £3 before 11pm
and £5 thereafter


get in free if your FIRST or LAST name begins with the letter O and you arrive before 11pm!

If you need anything just drop us an email at [email protected] OR
message our Facebook page OR
tweet us @alphabeatsuk OR
text us on 07937 947997 (this is an SMS only number)

Eingeladen: Adam Parsons, Ellie Jayne Haywood, Barbara Alice Richardson, Oliver Mark Fawcett, Jonny Wall, Katie Packman, Jak Waters, Angela Owens, Emilee Foster, Jerry Maguire, Daisie Sarah King, Dan Hoare, Betsy Britton, Nathan Spinner, Zoé Ortoli Lockwood, Lee Smith, Carly Casson, Sophie Austin, Ian Blacky Blackmore, Louise Stockley, Ruby Storm Fryer mehr »