Party: 'F'oam, 'F'urbies and 'F'rubes
Startseite > AlphaBEATs > 'F'oam, 'F'urbies and 'F'rubes @ alphaBEATs Canterbury
Geht: 212
Datum: 08.10.2014 22:00
Adresse: St Georges Place, New Dover Road, Canterbury, United Kingdom | Auf der Karte anzeigen »
Wir melden uns, sobald die Partybilder hinzugefügt wurden
Wednesday 8th October 2014
The Letter ‘F’ @ alphaBEATs Canterbury - Foam Flood, Furbies and Frubes!
It’s been far too long since we’ve thrown an amazing FOAM PARTY, so we’re changing that! You can expect…
More foam than you could possibly imagine is possible to fit inside a club… inside a club!
Plastic bags for your phones and personal belongings highly recommended if you're going in the foam.
The foam is avoidable towards the back of the dance floor so you can stay foam-free if you love your hair THAT much (or on the balcony bar of course).
The foam doesn't ruin clothes but is the same as getting something wet. Leave anything leather or suede at home and maybe don't come wearing your new trainers on this one occasion.
There will be people who lose their phone/wallet/jewellery in the foam. Please make sure it's not you because the foam is a mean mistress who has absorbed many a valuable in the past - it's highly unlikely you'll find anything you lose. If you drop your phone in the foam, it won't work if you are lucky enough to be reunited with it at a later date.
Win yourself the ultimate in children’s toys!
We’ve got HUNDREDS of these tasty treats coming to the club to dish out to you all night!
Smirnoff Vodka & Mixer
Sambuca White
Becks Vier
VK Apple/Orange/Tropical/Blue
Jim Beam & Pepsi
Double vodka / Mixer (including Kick Energy)
Smirnoff ice
*** ENTRY ***
It's just £3 before 11pm
and £5 thereafter
get in free if your FIRST or LAST name begins with the letter F and you arrive before 11pm!
If you need anything just drop us an email at [email protected] OR
message our Facebook page OR
tweet us @alphabeatsuk OR
text us on 07937 947997 (this is an SMS only number)
Eingeladen: Jonny Wall, Jak Waters, Jerry Maguire, Liam Batfreak Fenn, Dan Hoare, Yazmine Morrison, Matthew Hold, Ryan Slade, Ryan Le Breton, Libby Yarrow, Alice Panther, Jade Skinner, Luke Webb, Shane Dunphy, Monica Boulton, Pooja Limbachia, Marnie Peach Lavender, Sean Tickner, Olivia Robbins, Mark Sayer, Mathew Charles Izzard, Olivia Campsey-Ring, Pembe Pan, Jade Haley, Keran Jonh Barns Lewis, Sam Shearer, Becca Andries, Jemma Catherine Penfold, Rowen Elliott, Martin 'Mootin' Thomas, Terri Cairns, Jack Scamp, Megan Samantha Frost, Kiera Campbell, Chloë Adams, Sammy Garlinge, Jake Fox, Ashleigh Bushnell, Dean Heckley, Neha Walia, Billy Wheeler, Angela Cymerman, Oliver Turnbull, Kieran Brown, Callum Baines, Nicki Weeks, Jay-Jay R Cartwright, Francesca Root, Stephen Sullivan, Vinya De Vivo, John Tierney, Jacob Wells, Laura Buxton, Naomi Sarah Short, Katie Ford, Gabby Arun-Aaronson Mitchell, Katie Ager, Amy Jones, Kerrie Horkan, Rhys Burton, Lonnie Aimée Beckley, Emily Collins, Jamie Lawrence, Samantha Lamkin, Lisa Rose Wong, Rachael Sells, Chris Fox, Crystal Peters, Tamsin M, Alex Lejimps, Noodle Procter, Connor Burns, Kelsey Anne, Kirsty Stigle, Becky Allen, Kiira Jokinen, Eden Hamilton, Charlotte Scott, Laura Stuart, Felicia Hull, Neerali Nayee, JeRomeo Jerry Evans, Alice Kingsley, Dan Lane, Sarah Mayhew, Loz Mayes, Hannah Claire Chapman, Charlotte Cameron, Amy Bennett, Danielle A-Dub Delaney, Kimberly-eve Harvey, Joel Graham, Joseph Bennett, Tom Cavalier, Soph Bryant, Indy Bratch, Amie Barrett, Richard Colegate, Troy Webber, Emily Margarby Harvey mehr »